About the Blog

This blog contains recent projects, activities, and musings about astrophotography and space, to view my main webpage with prints for sale, final images, and Annie's Astro Actions, please visit: www.eprisephoto.com


Friday, January 15, 2010

Annie's Astro Actions - almost ready for release!

I am still developing more actions, but my Astroimaging Actions are almost ready for release!!!

The first 25 people who pre-order will get the entire action set for FREE!!! After that, any preorders will only be $8 (this is reduced from previously posted rate of $10).

So far in the action set are the following actions:
Channel Process
Creating LRGB image from 4 channel files
Create RGB image from 3 channel files
Create a 6 panel mosaic
Create a 4 panel mosaic

Enhance Galaxy dust trails
Separate Star Field & DSO into separate layers (Large image)
Separate Star Field & DSO into separate layers (Small image)

[edit] Newly added
Brighten Color & Sharpen
Make DSO Stand Out
Smooth Out Image
Remove Stars (Large Image)
Remove Stars (Small Image)

I am adding to the "Newly added" list as I add more. I want to make sure that all actions in the set are useful and will work for a variety of images (which is why there are some that are broken down for large and small images)! Spread the word and preorder before they are released to save a few $!

1 comment:

  1. Love this site! Good luck with it-you're really talented with the photography!


Monitor Calibration

Monitor Calibration
The grayscale above presents 24 shades of gray from pure white to solid black. If you cannot see all 24, your monitor needs calibration to view the astrophotos correctly: I recommend the site linked in the image